braidey Arc User



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  • Tbh... I'm just gunna say this now. Tho don't don't like the changes. They DO NOT need community approval.... It's their game don't like what they add or take away quit.... Again ... THEIR GAME....
  • tho this is bs and i feel you apparently dont know how to fight a db ... i will say seems like db transform is untouched so raged damage reduct remains db just get to have both now :D but i want more details cause idk XD
  • whats a good translation for duskblades ? did they get any new skills from nf at least since they're gunna kill them and leave sins alone....
  • I use frenzy ep and metal combo
  • Agreed no one uses ah for gold anymore lol on any server
  • See this is why I still play, love, and invest in the game lol they're trying their best and I think are doing a good job. People just complain too much.... My only issues with this game are the crazy prices for GST but that's players fault......
  • Love this game like hell have played for years and years but GST is by far my biggest problem with it atm.... I've never seen it this high.... Ever...
  • really like i see why it was bad for them to remove it but they are not neglecting or new players or newer toons that cant be geard the quick sand maze is specifically for new players and new toons and the gear is sooooo great and alot better than tt80 ..... the set i had on my db and seeker were better than tt90 and the…
  • is it bad i only like Ulquiorraa__ cause he is named after my favorite espada on bleach
  • D: we havent hit 20k D:
  • i know what u man i did fsp with a sin that tanked the toad boss wtf XD it died fast and he was untouched sins are becoming tanky as hell he has 21 k hp god help us all f:sweat f:sweat
  • i think thier are tons of ways to dodge bound gears and if it binds on touch or wear and u dont think ull want it then dont get it i pk and bound gears are necessary and save a life and if u dont pk cool all the more to not lose said item which gos into the one comment about hacking yes that would be possible and most…
  • i want my sever up :"( archo y u gotta be like that x.x b:surrenderb:surrenderb:cryb:angry
  • thats sucks really bad i miss being a seeker in stealth it saved me in pvp and it was fun no one got hurt so y would they remove it thats incredibly suckish b:angryb:angryb:angryb:angryb:angry
  • ****** hilarious :O and idk seekers sterio type is nice and some times when u vort and solo pv and every mob is pulled on u or u aoe in massive groups killing every one around u idk it can give u the seance of being godly till a sin pops up and takes u out in 2 secs XD b:thanksb:pleasedb:cry
  • for any one that cares u can see the exact weapon u get and the reborn gear in character creation when u log in to the game just go to where u make a new toon and boom u see the pretty weapons :o and i agree the weapons are pritty weak but their usable i was able to take down a full g16 seeker with it but he was under…
  • 1. b:pleasedb:laugh
  • no :/ a barb is not a requirement :P they just tank like hell but when the boss one shots without regard to ur hp or deaden honey badger dont give a ****
  • seeker: they have a debuff that makes every other class do a significant amount of extra damage just for pve like seriously mob only de buffs XD not only that the deff lvl skill XD mine is sage so 35 automatically + seekers love to F with the atk and the deff lvls of others + if done right a seeker can stun quite a bit and…
  • u shouldnt complain or question the game if u like playing it the game is free to play and like the one person said u cant win an mmorpg and further more my frien is ful rrr9 and reaching +11-12 on her gear she farms tt and sell war song mats on ground among many other things to make in game coin and only spent i think…
  • the reason id say shard with magic is were u know weak against it so.... get ride of the weakness XD it helps a little bit :3
  • if u upgrade ur gear it will take 2 mills fee and the molds for the gear + badges u need 30 badges for each gear and 1 EOD also for each and second u should keep ur cloud chaser the g15 robe will only give u +3 more deff lvls with that lionheart bonus im a crit based seeker so idk about ur stat and yea get ur vit with…
  • last nw i gots 12mills b:dirty very lucky
  • im sorry :'( i love nw it my only income XD i make around 5-10 mills off them tokens QQ b:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrender
  • so....... is some one going to start a thread over NW compensation XD b:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleased
  • i dont think im goign to get to play much longer any way XD my lap top says that my battery is bad and if i dont replace it thier will be a fatal error XD this day is getting so much better im so happy i could cry o wait thats not tears of happiness b:surrender
  • i agree i never post on the forum but i think i have a calling b:laughb:kiss
  • just smile :D itll all be over soon when a pwi junky throws a fit and does a mass murder cause they fed up the sever ( i love this game so much ) b:dirtyb:dirtyb:victory
  • the error was fatal and all characters in the world map were deleted!!!!!!! f:cutef:cutef:cutef:cutef:cute
  • i quote my quoted quote MIND FREAK


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