bootneck Arc User


  • Thanks for letting me know I guess i won't be joining the global chat then :( I joined this game believeing it was f2p but having to use real money to obtain some things sucks :(
  • then take it to the pet trainer to hatch it providing you have a free slot
    in Pets Comment by bootneck September 2008
  • Can someone help me please ? I've look through forums here and on 1perfectworld and I can't find anything in regard to what i need to know :( At lvl 10 everyone gets the ability to use golbal chat but you need to buy something(I've forgotten what it's called) from the boutique but it requests silver or gold ??? i don't…
  • You need to do a quest to up a requirement need ed before you can learn lvl9 skills go see the tao master in your start town and complete that it's fairly easy :) Now if i was to answer that fodder question no one would ever get any lol as it takes for ever to collect (3-4 hours) ;) From the city of the lost head out the…
  • Thanks that worked :D:D
  • Done as you said epiphany but the skills aren't showing in the list ??? so i don't or am not getting the option to learn them and i'm lvl 6
  • 49 end of this year :) only been gaming for about 5 years and only on perfectworld for a week :D still active on lineage2 Wife and daughter both play here my 2 sons don't as their both to young although they both play Lineage.
  • I've downloaded the files and everything seems to have installed correctly :) I tried to use the same login and password to log into the game obviously this is incorrect ? so I clicked on the account button on the launcher but the web page won't load is the link down ? or am I doing something wrong ?