More BS from our lords and overseers. Scam long and prosper!
I can't even keep up with reading all the posts! The PWI Gods will decide our fate soon. And we will grovel before them once again like puerile mortals.
More like... a bunch of students broke into the principal's office and rewrote their report cards so that they all have 100. We don't know which ones did it, and are too lazy/indifferent to find out. So, the administration has decided to reset all the marks back to the day before you started on your report, and your report…
[QUOTE=Azura - Lost City;20191421 I think a roll back is really necessary. If everyone loses money, too bad we deserve it for taking advantage of good intentions.[/QUOTE] I agree. Let this be a lesson to us all. Maybe all the cheating, scamming, lying, WC spam abusing, and name calling will also stop, if there was some…
Can all of those that are flush with orbs and happy, just put your arms around all of those that got screwed and give them a big, warm hug, please? And let's get back to the game. Thanks.
Disclaimer: I only received 3 orbs as intended. I suspect all the complainers in this thread did also. Anyone who took advantage of the glitch isn't likely to complain. Anyone who could have received more, would have. Don't preach principles to me either. I've seen nothing but greed here. BUT: The fact that PWI is aware of…