blood91zg Arc User


  • Barb in FC "can any1 pull i haw charm" BM "i'm an aps DD can't stun or HF" (at lvl80 with fists & w/o int gear) Seeker wth BP and +more buffs "can't pull+vortex i'll gat kill'd" "huh wtf is BA ?" "ah did lvl fail skill wth high CD for 6sac." "pro +100 Veno" on HT "my pats are lvl80 i don't need them" he/she pull's mobs…
  • In my opinion SC is pretty useless atm... well better said it sucks. The damage is too low & slow SS/GoF doesn't proc on the skill. The damage depends on Soulforce (higher refines on equipment higher Soulforce/damage) and slaying lvl (which i doubt that any bm wulld drope ther GX, 2nd Nirvi and r9 axes for more damage with…