blondie2000 Arc User


  • Dear Pwi ur game was something awsome till the asian hackers so you said killed the game. Now when they did that you said you were gonna make things right like x2 drops sprirt and exp untill this problem is Fixed. Well after that you said you would keep us upto date of this problem but yet im inserting more cash, Past x2…
  • First off looking for a fac just came back online dont sound like a guarentee add to a faction most factions are looking for active people, Quote level 12 isnt really a great add to any faction. Trust me people make level 1 logg off and never come back, Then u kick them, So show a little activeness from level 12 and u may…
  • Well ive been in a few Factions with a website and to be fair what a load of **** people look at a website and cannot be bothered to actually create a free 1 with alot to check out. I recently made a website to show what can be done and i get 140 hits aday from faction members wanting to know whats going on. Ive really…
  • Ok if u dont relise already servers are down cos pwi hard drives crashed there is no real explination for this it cos overheating or manybe burned out. Takes around 2-3 hrs maybe more depends on the drive that has blown. Im sure pwi will compensate everyone for this as there Truely sorry for what has happened. Just be…