blasfisk Arc User


  • YAY! All you guys, it works now, thank you all for being so supportive :D I'll start playing at Heavens Tear, but i dont know my player-name yet. Maybe i'll tell that in here if not this thread will be shutted down.
  • Okey. Gave a last shot on torrent, will do that next if needed.
  • Hmpf... :/ The Bit Torrent download doesnt work, and niether does the "Direct" download. In "Direct" I just get a small file called "Perfect_world_installer_v3" but when i run it it says that is don't have the right "Win32" something... And on Bit Torrent i think i may have got some sort of virus. Becaus like 250 windows…
  • K, i have deleted, but im on a so called LAN right now, so i can't start to download >.< I was planning to start play wow but then i found this, almost the same, and you only pay for extra good stuff :D
  • k, i'll download on my uTorrent, if thats ok? i mean... it doesnt have to be Bit Torrent, right? :P
  • Btw, on is Direct or Bit Torrent the best to dowload from??
  • Thanks again! OKey, i delete all files for PW and then download from your link :P Think i got it, will come back if more question-marks occur :D
  • Thanks all for beig so helpfull ! :D Gatt, I have chosen the Bit Torrent option on your "official Downloads" link. As soon as that is ready, will i be able to play? :P And yes, all the server i see is Oracle and Delphi, so aperently i have too low patching :P I will tell you if i have more preoblems. Btw do i need the…