blacks Arc User


  • you know what i mean tho.. plus every player i meet is always from somewhere in adding russia as bad example or not doesnt mean much>.< . complaining about somthing pwi gms do over and over again just for a holiday they dont recognize is sad. why not cry to gms for another weekly pack and rep sale for…
  • what is the big deal.. so you didnt get a 2x event on the 4th of july.. why should anyone else care? im sure the russians have a day similar to indipendance day and they werent given any 2x events to celebrate it. do you see them crying over it? that goes for all the other countires that have players of PWI .theres other…
  • not really..i played lots of games where theres tons of things to do even after you get the level cap.. and on perfect worlds its pretty much do your bh..and nw at the end of the,nw bh,nw ,bh nw. for godsake even maplestory is more fun. been playing it for 8 years and still playing it lol. nicer gms. better…
  • -snip- to be honest if you have no problem at all with doing nation wars, daily bh, pointless world quests, ff, tt and fb. over and over and over again every single day,then by all means continue playing this game..after you reach lv 100. there is absolutly nothing to do on the game except your dailies. and weekly nation…
  • any idiot here should know its not the abusers fault..pwi is runned by a bunch of gm's mods etc..they have people to do all the game coding and editing. and they can afford them with all the money they make. it shouldnt be a probem for them to send out that much free money in dragon orbs without any errors. if they are…
  • who gives a **** about removing the weapon when you have the flag or squads in the battle about removing nirvana from the forge system so the dungeon is once again farmable..instead of adding alll the best items in the game as possible prizes from nw why not make different prizes instead. and maybe balance the…
  • 5 hyper stones.. wtf am i suppose to do with they even know how cheap those rocks are? on top of that im already level 100,and im not going any higher. so **** you and your stupid hyper stones..if you idiot gms are gonna give out prizes by giving us a code to enter to claim them, at least get your damn coding for…
  • it doesnt matter..its still more effective than makeing us enter a code to get our prizes
  • no one gives a **** what level characters you have
  • idiots..fb 109 for hell is in the top left corner of the map. and its closed. its called residence of blasphemy when you go inside. fb 109 for heaven is near middle right in heaven and you have to run up this long ramp to the top of the tower, inside it says misty city.. fb109 misty city is the exact same map as real of…
    in fb109 Comment by blacks November 2013
  • you dont have to be such a **** about the topic. its not useless and its alot better than most of the other topics i see on the board. and btw Eff GD.. your guild can kiss the fatest part of my a$$. plus you dont need to add" offical meat puppet of gd at the end of each one cares what guild ur in or what you do…
  • what a loser. only you would hat 2x
    in 2x!! Comment by blacks March 2013
  • veno need an upgrade in skill tired of shooting different colored dust balls non stop..of all the games i played venos in pwi have the worst looks skills i ever saw
  • we dont need a whole lecture man..chill holy ****
    in nope Comment by blacks February 2013
  • i would use mountain seize from wizards,to move as much rock from the earth its self. and or destroy certain places in the world i dont like lmao
  • we dont need a life story about your barb,bm and chars. no one care bro
    in nope Comment by blacks November 2012
  • guess what.. its not always about rank9..stop takeing the easy way out like everyone else and try working for nirvana gear.
  • i was doing 2-2 last boss when the server when the server ****in died. this is the third time in a row. we failed at this boss. the first two times were herc glitches.. im so pissed off right now
  • how do you know what they are thinking ghoul? for all you know they aren't thinking at all. thats why theres always a squad wipe. and the other guy isnt hateing because they dont speak english its the fact that because they cant speak english they mess everyone up. and even if they do speak english they just dont know what…
    in nope Comment by blacks September 2012
  • all i could understand in what you just said is yes i do think ur a jerk.and i can care less. but idk wtf you just said. do with that what you will lmfao
    in nope Comment by blacks September 2012
  • **** all class pets. U don't need them and there stupid anyway.especialy those dumb *** giant bunny. Venos need an upgrade
  • I think all classes except seeker should have a skill revamp..its been years and the skill animations look the same and boreing. and the class that deserves it the most is probably venos. their morai skill isnt very good either. especialy since it only works for pvp..also the animation for the spinning dragons in bms…