blackgamerpw#5907 Arc User


  • About these healing skills that become attacks, does anyone know how to answer this? Silent Seal - Glyph Golden Chromatic Seal - Glyph Golden Stream of Rejuvenation - Glyph Argent Chromatic Healing Beam - Glyph Argent Wellspring Surge - Glyph Argent Ironheart Blessing - Glyph Argent When will you use these skills on anyone…
  • I have doubt about some cleric glyph skills .. In particular, i wanted to know if these glyphs cause the skills to have normal damage or negative damage.. Silent Seal - Glyph Golden Chromatic Seal - Glyph Golden Stream of Rejuvenation - Glyph Argent Chromatic Healing Beam - Glyph Argent Wellspring Surge - Glyph Argent…