Please, can any gm bann this person for this? b:angry I am seeing "send ticked" are you seeing "how can we change faction icon"? are you seeing???? You REALLY think that it is necessary disturb gms doing the same question in many many many tickets?
You can say stupid many times but In this post I can't see a GM answer... if you see it, you have a problem with your brain... I only see the answer of admin saying "send a ticked"...
GM answered? where?
yeah b:angry
we can or we can't change it?
Arcane is the only way, Wizard LA aren't useful, low attack, low magic defense, low life, medium fisical defense. There are only two ways and all are arcane: Full atack wizard (full mag), superatack, super magical defense, medium-low phisical defense, bad life. Hibrid wizard (vit and mag), good atack, medium life, good…
we can't personalize faction logo (there are sugestions)... personalize faction area never will be implemented.
Question is, why no?
Thanks, why you don't said "Server go down in X minutes" you disconected people one by one I SAW IT! I lose two US, but many people losed more.
Yeah, I remember when eyes was the worse boss of PW, I remember when fbs was this, fbs, and no bh... I hate bh, it destroy fbs...b:angry
I never see one GM, and I am playing since october 2008...
Why developers do new game changes since repair worse bugs? For example Essential Sutra, it is bugged, but will never repair this because is a wizard power, and wizards are forgotten.
No people known how change it for money... good job developers...b:angry
The same valor for curvade of li and curvade of min/tao.... it isn't fair. Now, I have 246 useless Orders of prosperity, it says 1000 each, 246K for many many many hours in forsltand??? you are crazy? and WHERE CAN I CHANGE IT FOR MONEY? No text saying nothing... And September pasive people is better than october active…
Yeah, now, I have 246 uselees Order of Prosperity and I don't known where can I change for coins. THANKS DEVELOPERS.
Before December 31st, 2008 is fair...
September people is better than us, october people...
October... September people is better than us for PW. I think the best is before 31/12/2008 (dd/mm/aaaa), the year 2008. PD: Where can I see join date?
I think I registered in october... no reward for me if it is true, it is ver ugly for active people, september people is better than me for PW...
Setember people is better than october people? ... I think it would better before 31/12/2008. (dd/mm/yyyy)
I hate this dark blue color, is not good for view, if you have dark background PAM, KILLING EYES! Only two ways: 1- Return to pink 2- Hability to change colour
3 times is better (every 8 h)
I never have lag, it is good.
Many factions need more, if you don't want more, bye bye, don do more, it is not our problem, why you don't want more executors in my faction?
since last big update (since we can use numbers 7,8 & 9 for skills)
But, what problem you have with more executors posibility? If you don't want more, don't do more...
There are many suggestions about that...
Incredible... Are you Playing to another game? 1)Frostblade 2)Incredible damage and needed in zhen, rebiriths... 3)<- what? 4)Archer? you never played to pwi... archers can't heal
I think, this is "Perfect World United States"