bigfish000 Arc User


  • ah, good idea, that should give me a few extra mins. this is exactly my problem. earning time doesnt stop, right after it started even if you dont do anything anymore. so just by clicking the pillar, i gotta wait like a min or so, just to have earning time settle down again. I know its all not much looking at one min…
  • i did run out of earning time multiple times now by only running tt. and the reason why im opening this thread is exactly because i do loose earning time just by opening tt, which is time i dont count as running time. so no, im not only theorycrafting here xD
  • hmm, well, lucky you xD with my current equip i need about 20 min for a tt3-2, it takes however something around 25 min earning time each run, so thats 16 runs a day...i dont know, maybe its me not having a live, but i could do more :o
  • small Addition: on some Servers ist still very possible to make good coins buying and selling Gold. possible at any lvl and Profit can be huge depending on current Prices and amount you can work with. Downside i guess would be, its possible to loose Money