bg7 Arc User


  • it seems I wasn't as clear as I should have been... First of all, I know all races can fly, but elves can at lvl 1. Also, the elves' flight comes from their own wings and not a mount. All races can have pets but venomancers can get them at lvl 3...and they can also transform. Its a perk of the race if you ask me. I…
    in Humans...? Comment by bg7 August 2008
  • And I am for it...especially since I hate doing production skills in MMOs.
  • Right now...I'm thinking about a Venomancer. I tried the elf class and I got bored with it...despite the fact that I love playing as clerics in MMOs. I have yet to fully try out my human yet so we'll see. I might change my mind. But as of now...totally a Venomancer.
  • I'm over 130 lbs...proundly weighs in at 140lb. :] Before you say it... yes, these pics are current. My weight comes from muscle, I swear my stomach is as hard as a rock...…
  • Played Zu online, Deco online, and Silkroad all in the same day before the CB of this game. Of course, they were all deleted for boring the hell out of me. Consol games are a given...when do I not play those :S As far as MMOs go, I've been playing Fiesta for a while now...
  • I thought it was cool because you could fly...when I finally could, I hated it. I deleted the game with a few days... Fiesta though...been playing that thing for a while now. Though I think that is because of my guild. Now that it died and I switched guilds, I don't play as much.
    in FlyFF :O Comment by bg7 August 2008
  • He wasn't rubbing anything in anyone's faces. All he asked was that you sign the petition. If you don't want to sign it...don't. No one is forcing your hand here hun. Now, if you do not mind, why don't you take your negativity elsewhere. Bisexual chick and proud...of course I signed the petition. :]