beloria Arc User


  • The reason(s) why are well covered in the Forum Troll Wiki. link available.....
  • Thanks to both for your input...I think the stats are similar enough that I'll try to make the vol mag work. My question about pet skills is not so much which ones as when to buy them. Do I hold off on my veno skills now and upgrade the pets?..Is gear more important at my level for example, or is the tanking stuff far…
  • so I need to right click each of his 3 special skills on the pet bar to make them 'manual' and then he will ranged?...I'll try it...thanks in advance...b:pleased
  • I didn't use skills...the generic attack 'skill' I referred to is the little wolf's head icon on the petbar with auto attack turned off...he still ran to the mob and melee'd