Well as i said before people like you who have played their tails off for a long time I don't really have a problem with, you've paid your dues, generally know far more about the game than myself and the more high level chars you guys have the better cause your usually really helpful. As i said you guys pretty much break…
Thanks so much for your response Grim and the time and effort you put into it. Didn't have that model myself I had this one. in fact still do have my sega master system too though i intend to take the nintendo apart eventually and fix it has a few issues which have kept me…
Desdi, thank you for taking the time to read and reply. I hope you will stick around and help move the conversation. Your right I am a long time forum user and have avoided posting here because i didn't see much that interested me,(Don't like to argue just discuss) but I love this game and would like to contribute to it…
Ok so it seems this conversation is rolling with one nice explanation, and an agreement. Dorset I agree with you on that, like I said I know a few people who have most certainly paid their dues have lvl eighty five plus chars etc I just cant fault them for using them, and they have the experience that learning another…