

  • Thanks for the post! It was very helpful. :)
  • Thank you for the information! b:thanks
  • Hahahahaha. Not sure why I was quoted earlier when I agree that something needs to be done, and doing nothing about it (same goes for any violation as mentioned in my post) is a terrible attitude for a business to have. Oh well. b:chuckle
  • It does not matter if the bot is being controlled by a paying player, a non-paying player, a high level, or a newbie. Anyone that bots should be punished. Same thing goes for any violation. This whole "of course nothing will/should be done, those are the paying players" attitude is just stupid. Then again, all of these…
  • Thanks! Glad to know that it will translate well into the game. I just need to practice now. Sorry for the late reply. b:thanks
  • Wonderful thread! I am overwhelmed by all the customization options. I am slowly reading through this entire thread (and others). This is really helpful, thank you! Does anyone have a reference or guide they use for proportions? Or is it just intuition? I've been reading through the "rate my character" thread, and…