we just started our faction only a few weeks we had no clue this would happen to our base. so now we are screwed for points now to keep base open.when we would of today before reset.a email or some warning in game it may happen. not happy
also our mounts use to be bigger then there not,there smaller.i should be able to zoom out and see my toon,not see a tiny dot.
its not just the base stuff. the whole game that our toons are smaller then they use to be.we were never that tiny in arc just standing in the road you can see how much smaller we are
i agree,to me i think its a bunch of bs,giving out to random people. why not give us a option to pick from a few prizes or go back to the old way. theresalot of people that would of love the ancestral mount.
U are my hero... sanity restored.
Faction Name: Infiniti Leader: PoutyLips Forum: