baroness2 Arc User


  • The next few days will determine much for the future of this server and the game as a whole I think. People make mistakes, life happens etc, but it is how it is addressed that really matters in the end. The developers have a real chance to accomplish something here, let's see if they listen to us and make this right (and…
  • I totally agree with that. We all imagine the worst. I would hate to loose my frozen wishes wings I just traded for this morning. I think I will be ss'ing all my accounts today.
  • Bad hubby, making you buy IG's b:chuckle
  • I am wondering if it was a very specific occurrence, location or what have you that caused that to happen. Maybe the trade happened right at the exact time the roll back was set. That transaction would be lost in the ether so to speak.
  • See this is what I am talking about. I know many people have lost badges, me included. Have the 2x drops include badges and molds. There is no perfect answer, but maybe as a community we can come up with ideas that will at least ease the pain.
  • From everything I have heard, read and experienced, Catshop sales were reversed, so any items were returned to the seller and any money was returned to the buyer. Is this untrue?
  • I don't know what packs you might be buying, but that drop rate is near impossible. You must have bought literally thousands of packs or have the best luck of anyone on the server. The problem with people sending in tickets, claiming what they lost, is easy to see. People can claim whatever they want. That will flood the…
  • OK, baring them being able to give be exactly what you got out of packs, what would you consider a fair way to compensate you? Maybe a 1 time item that guarantees you 1 very rare item (and let's hope the developers keep current with what is really rare, because some things, once rare are pretty much worthless now)
  • Let's try to focus on moving forward since there is little we can do at this point about what has already happened. Perhaps let's list what we, the players, would consider fair compensation? Maybe the developers will listen and offer something less generic then 2x. Remember the problem with the 5th year anniversary…
  • The ToS is not as iron clad as one might think. Agreements such as a ToS are known as shrinkwrap agreements/contracts and are very common, but that still doesn't make them impossible to overcome. On the other hand, a lawsuit based on such a contract would be expensive and time consuming and not worth it in the long run.
  • Chances are the developers spoke to their attorney(s) and were told that the cash players had a much stronger case for a lawsuit. These people were the immediate danger. The non-cash shoppers would have a harder case to prove (though not impossible as I pointed out in a previous post). That case would take more time to…
  • Actually there have been several successful lawsuits because of downed servers, delayed or failed expected launch dates etc. Time itself is a commodity which can be calculated in regards to monetary compensation. There is also the whole issue of implied warranties that the developers would safeguard against something like…