This says that you obviously have an issue reading and comprehending websites. I mean, if it takes you half an hour to go to, log in, click on the game, and click on forum, you must have some serious mental issues. Particularly reading comprehension since this isn't the NW forum. Or, you're 5. Or you can't…
I can read the text ok, but converting the "baby Kitty speak" into standard English is giving me a headache. Kitty should phrase her words in simple English to avoid having people give Kitty a beat down. :*
Yeah, the peeps that fall for bs like this are typically the ones that are internet stupid. They need some form of IQ test to be taken before you sign up for anything on the internets. ;)
Just out of curiosity.... Wouldn't you be able to obtain this yourself if you simply checked/un-checked the options and took your own screenshots? I mean, you did just fine with the screenshot of the menu... o:)
REGIONAL ROUTER ISSUES. GET A CLUE! Seriously though. If you're not going to do some basic troubleshooting. Shut up. If you're not a complete internet noob, you should realize that there's a lot of stuff that can happen with your data between when it leaves your PC, gets to the game server, and then gets back to your PC.…
I am curious about how one gets into a guild. I started playing this game a couple of weeks ago. My character is currently level 32, and so far the game has been almost entirely solo play. (The exception to this being having to fight to kill my own mobs without someone else coming up and killing them for me.) I was…