bananapudding Arc User


  • I think I got it, lols, I just needed one more day to figure it out b:chuckle I managed to decompose a level 2-2star item, so I'll probably just stick to 2 stars like furries said. Sorry for the hassle and thanks b:thanks
  • Yeah, sorry about that, changed "weapon" to "gear". I'm at the tailor by the way. Okay, so what lvl items can I start decomposing? I also tried to decompose a lvl 3 sword at the blacksmith, same thing happened...was told all I had to do was repair it and that didn't work. If someone would post the rules to decomposing,…
  • But without all the drama, where would the entertainment be? It's like reading a soap opera sometimes. b:chuckle But seriously, this is good info for real life too. As for the age thing, don't forget that the internet can seriously subtract years from your real age (or add to it). Rule of thumb says about 10 years…
  • Wish in their "guides" people would post the decomposing requirements..... same with the pets, they should at least mention that the "pet food" drops from monsters and that there is an in game database/encyclopedia where we can look up that info (I found that by accident) I tried a dozen times to decompose a couple of…