I have a Light armor Hybrid Archer , no mag, about 70 dex 20 -30 str and a bit put into Vit as well.. so bassically str & Vit plus a moderately high dex, not as much as a "pure" archer but alot , unfortunately I cant get into her bank or change her gear, that sux because she has gear to low level for her level and is…
well I hope this thread does not get locked before the issue gets resolved, because if that happens... Guess what folks? I am reopening it.. And I will keep reopening this issue until it gets resolved, I may even have to bring in outside authorities...... if that is what it takes then so be it, but I will not be treated…
yeah right ! does everyone have to be so perfect, and besides I have been under a lot of stress revolving around this game and this issue, and the issue of security.. which is clearly lacking in perfect world..
well , even if this thread does get locked, I would at least like the PW staff, All of them to see this thread, and read it carefully, and pay attention and read between the lines even.. and do something that is going to Make better this game for everyone, for you me and everyone, and at the same time make it more SECURE ,…
oh you think this thread will get locked ? why? you are not sounding very nice when you say that.. why are you so mean?
something like that, is that a crime?? if it is you better arrest me then!! , oh wait a minute I allready cannot get into the gold auction part of the game, no need to arrest me and put me in jail then , since I allready more or less allredy am.. do you people just like being mean? do you pride yourselves in it? does it…
what do you mean inb4lockofthecentury??? please explain... was something I said wrong?? well maybe to you it is or was.. but you are no moderator nor representative of the game.. this is clearly a flame!! we need a moderator in this forum!! okay? so lets get one, but someone from perfectworld Staff... and you are not…
please you are not making any sense I am trying to reach out for help here if any one sees Soulmatrix , please give here some comforting , and if you also see a Gm, please send a GM over to her right away thanks, cause that is me... okay and I am locked out of my bank account and I cannot trade any more because someone got…
My old Email which is no longer being used is in fact that email is Done Gone! dusted!! bye bye , adios! Vaporized! you ever wonder where the twighlight Zone is?? well this is the latest and last edition of ... Dee dee dee der dee deee dee der .. you are entering, the twilight zone, this Zone and This…
Help the patch from HELL just came and I can't play the game PLEASE HELLLLLPPPPPP!!!!
it seems the server is down, please please tell me.. when does it come back up? thank you very much!!b:pleased