baifang Arc User


  • Quote of the day for me ROFL
  • I'm 28, from a GMT+2 timezone. I have a home with Radiance and so far, everything is going quite well maturity wise :) I do hope everyone finds a home they can be happy with. As for the under 20's responding in the thread, its not an attack on the younger players. Its just a mindset approach. Us over 20's generally have so…
  • Anyone who verbally attacks you based on your guild name, guild structure and orientation choices are childish, immature and lack the common respect I would expect from any civilised human being. I'm not Christian, not in any way, but I do respect your choice and your right to form a guild as to the rules and procedures…
  • You mean you can mount your signifant other? I thought that was one of the benefits generally from marriage in any form 0_o
  • :eek: Didnt you get the memo? The world revolves around ME, not you /SC\ Mail support as Evril said.
  • Which MAC do you own? Desktop or Laptop? Which *Era* of mac is it- power or intel generation? NO COMMENT on the illegality of this post. However, dont ever run a game, apart from windows n00b games like Solitaire etc, in a Virtual machine. The GPU is emulated, and thus falls apart pretty quickly for a lot of games. The…
  • THANK *INSERT DEITY* someone else is getting annoyed by that as well. Good luck with your guild, etc etc *insert good wishes* but please, for the love of [PRE INSERTED DEITY] stop speaking in third person :mad:
  • I'm currently in DESTINY on CB, but have decided after playing CB to move into OB on the PVE side. I've created an account on your website. Will post an intro application there, and let June know my forum name here. Its the same both ways anyway ^^ Looking forward to the promise that Radiance holds.
  • 1. As Ryiah said, screenshot would be helpful, but also try to indicate: System setup: Particularly, your GPU [Graphics Card] and Driver version. CPU and etc wouldnt have an effect on rendering output, just the speed of it. **removed a piece of advice. Please refer to this technical FAQ…
  • Yup. Not to mention, the ridiculous cash shop prices, the horrible fashion sense of the average user, the stupid level limit and the absolute drag it is to reskill properly. Graphics suck, esp in low light areas, sounds effects are **** and dont work for a lot of people. Oh, and the GM is always absent. Typical. I'll stick…
  • Allow me to help you: 1)You ALT-TAB while full screen in game. You browse around in your OS. 2)You ALT-TAB back into the game: Keys work,: WASD, Inventory etc. -mouse clicks dont. The moment you click your mouse anywhere in game, you return to the windows desktop. Its not a crash, the game is still running. You can ALT-TAB…
  • Looks like a blue smudge, a bad tear in the fabric of reality. Just report the user. *shrug*
  • 1. Great "idea", bad suggestion: Nice to point out the program, dont discuss the ways to get around the legal fair use of it. 2. Lets not discuss cracks, fixes or workarounds to violating the legality of any software. Its generally forbidden on any public forum. 3. There are open source alternatives to this type of program…
  • Read the rules implicit in the conditions of the contest. Quality > Quantity 3 to 1. Dont blame the GM's for a great idea that a horde of review spammers and hopefuls have run off with.
  • Too much lag for me.
  • Xarfox, are we moving into OB with cash shop open for business, or is that still being tweaked and forthcoming?
  • Mmm, just to for sake of clarity: Two Venomancer skill trainers: 1) The generic Veno Skill trainer: NPC for everything on the skill list that is not pet related, all your attack/ defence/buff skills etc 2)Veno Pet Trainer: The NPC related to hatching eggs, returning pets to eggs etc. This NPC can train and level your pet…
  • You head north from the Broken Bridge Village, follow the road past the lonely Venomancer, until you see the cliff side that angles quite steeply up. I have found the respawn rate for the Boondocks quite high there. Or alternatively, head in the opposite direction, towards the river, and you will find them there as well, a…
  • I'm of two minds regarding care bears and the term itself. For an RPG, I'm more PVE than PVP. I want to explore the world, learn its stories and take on the biggest and baddest of the NPC beasts out there. That doesnt cover challenges and the whole TW's aspect. However, in the glorious sandbox that is EVE, I take the…
  • kevsn1per, did you get the answers you needed, or are you still a bit unsure? It might help also to post your current setup, as well as a budget range mate.
  • 1. If you do not have a BETA key, its not going to work Justinn. In your "Account info" section on the website, check the tab that indicates your CB status. 2. If you DO have a beta key, and activated it, what worked for the first time was "safe login" option in the PW login screen. It does appear from your error…
    in Hey Comment by baifang August 2008
  • I'm going to try to muddle through your questions and attempt to decipher your sp33k into actual, workable language :P 1. Do your Quests till Level 40 2. Money is not so much the factor for quest incentive as it is Spirit [what you spend on skills] and Xp. 3. Check the class guides in the specific sub forums. I can say…
  • Just a quick note Bron to say thank you for the research and picture statistics. Its much appreciated and helped me quite a bit Veno wise.
  • in IP ban Comment by baifang August 2008
  • I did some research on this and so far, no way to change the keys. I was more interested in changing the inv/skills keys, but you have to stick to default, for now. Perhaps that option will come later down the line. The earlier posted suggestions of using W to move forward and right mouse/camera control works wonders for…
  • I play in South Africa, on a sub standard telecom infrastructure, and the only lag issue I have had is within a dungeon at full party strength. Even during the Timberfield event lag was negligible. You should be fine.
  • Please refer to Bron's excellent post discussing Golem statistics, as well as the quoted directions at the end of the first post.
    in Golem Comment by baifang August 2008
  • In a "Perfect World" perhaps.... *couldn't resist*
  • I don't think you are being an "****" as you put it succinctly. I'm from GMT +2 and yes, the times are inconvenient as they are now, but this is primarily US based so priority should be there. All I can politely hope for is the PW:I team keep track of the rising non-us IP numbers, and if a large amount do come aboard, they…
  • Hi Everyone, Been floating around and levelling quite a few alt's in CB to see which play style will suit me. Come from a long history of Mmo's, most recently in the CB/OB of Florensia and now Atlantica and Perfect World. I'm 29, from Darkest Africa and hope to meet the nice, avoid the ugly, and destroy the bad. You know,…