bagartner Arc User


  • This Thread Is kind of the same thread I was thinking Yeah though i have no high lvl char yet in any tt gear. I started to see this happening thats why i started the other thread about stones here. Doesn't make sense to me either. They did build it into the game and…
  • That would be along the lines i was thinking. I would b ok with that and if you bought in a bulk pack you could buy 10 for 90 bucks same way they do bulk pricing on other things around here
  • how is something that core in the game when they can put the Hyper stones out.... Come on if it is that core they could take it out of the NPC menu and leave the rest in. you show me how they can write a whole new race but they cant pull one line of code to have the NPC not display that option
  • Then why not just take it out. It would take them two seconds to remove the code from the PW NPC. IE poor or lazy coding they obviously already have it written in it can't be that much of a core code in the game to just pull it from the in game agents and squelch the issue for good.
  • Bump. People get hot on this Do you want to waste your money or game time have lvl 3 refined gear just to have to ditch it cuss you out grow it. that refinement took money in someway weather it was grinding out a million or buying it from gold. After all if it wasn't for the Gold buyers D orbs woundn't be in play for the…
  • I didn't know that the fish boy heal is quicker than wiz? I guess they are just keeping the wiz down. just one more thing to ad to my ***** list
  • I missed the Orcales and The tele damn