Envy the only time you ever killed us was when we were low lvl and not even ready for it. Most of the time it be me Archer Wizard and a Cleric. Karion and Pnut would come in and stun the Archer n Wiz while you and Devoltion shoot them untill they die. Then you guys would be running around for 10mins hitting me before I…
My ****ing in game name is Bacardi. Just because I have a week off work dont mean I dont party with friends or go to the bar. Take your medication Envy your Down Syndrome is showing. You must of been soo pissed off at our "army" from killing you so many times you resorted to attempted blackmail. I don't know weather I…
To bad I dont got my screenshots of you guys crying about getting ganked then logging in safe zone so we leave. All well good job Envy you took screenshots of some lvl 30s getting ganked by lvl 30s. Proves nothing and I hope your still playing OB.
Didnt bother reading any of the pages before.. or even the first post. You snooze you loose. You partisipate in CB to help them find bugs and testing not so you can enjoy yourself. They could of just did private CB but instead they gave us all the chance to test out the new international servers. Now your saying its unfair…
Actually if you own a territory teleporting to that territory has 0 fee. Very nice when alot of later teleports are 5k or 10k each.
Shh double agents :rolleyes:
You Fail...
We killed 29FB last night first try and had no troubles. Level 34 Barbarian, 33 Venomancer, 30 Wizard, 29 Cleric, 30 Cleric and 29 Archer. Boss only hits me 450 melee damage and 1100 with his magic stone attack thats cake for a Barbarian.. Unless your a str build that is.