18 years old, female, from the Netherlands (europe).
My character does look a lot like me, her skin colour, face and body are quite similair to mine, except they're in a slightly more cartoon style, the hair is darker then mine is though and my actual hair is much longer, but I did try to make 'myself' as a character and it looks quite a lot like me I think :)
I've also never played a male character, actually it does make sense its quite 50/50 real females and males because its a balanced class and both sexes will like playing as one :)
I'm actually female and playing a veno, i was also suppised by the number of men playing as veno's but then again if you can't pick a gender that makes sense. I was in luck, as I don't like playing as a male, prefer to have a char I can identify with, and the one i liked most was female, so lucky me.