aurie Arc User


  • Yes, very well thought out and much needed post Odin. I myself am a college student and enjoy playing games, and i like to maximize my experience, by from time to time spending money at the cash shop, but as u all know, most students have very tight budgets. I believe Koma makess a good point instead of buying heiros for…
  • Freee bump for Odin!! :) Plus theres a rumor going around that ur guild has free cookies, to all that join. O.o
  • OMG!! good luck with the guild Odin. I love the Oath u guys came up with, very unique. and yes...... ___________Pink Bunnies Rock ur Socks off!!! :D
  • Thanx holly :)
  • Aaww so i just got this totally new sig for here but i dunno how to set it up as my sig. Help... anyone??
  • U two should jus drop... ___________________it ... ______________________and let Ark decide :) On a happier note. Only 6 days til CB!!! UnLimited FTW!!! :D
  • Hi im not sure if im doing this right but I was interested in Joining UnLiMiTeD guild well my account name is Aurory. I will be signing up for ur website soon. Thanx :)