aurelhati Arc User


  • I get that a lot too, and I don't mind. I usually just ignore the invites or if I'm feeling like squadding, I don't mind squadding with others. Normally I squad with my friends though... it's only when I'm soloing that it annoys me when people KS me then think I'll want to squad with them lol. And adding the point of…
  • I have to say, I'm guilty of not fully spelling out words sometimes and often I abbreviate things when I'm talking to friends (for example, I go tyty when I'm saying thank you for buffs or whatever). So I don't mind so much when someone comes up to me and says 'heal plox!' or other variations of that as long as they…
  • For two weeks my friend has been telling me how fun PW is and since I'm impatient and hate downloading stuff off the net, I paid for a free dvd to be shipped to me. The dvd took two weeks, finally arrived today and I successfully installed the game onto my comp... only to find I have to manually patch it, which worked.…