
Hi everyone i found it out if theirs more people stuck. you use the skillbar named powers! to switch out and move your skills around It's in skills 


  • Hi Trisky Excuse me for replying on your note I never knew you could buy a house ( call me a noob b:chuckle ) Could you plz tell me how to get true endless sea theirs a pet I really want to catch lvl 42 Sunken seawitch and it seems to stop me from every side :/ Lyra Diablo
  • Hi You can also use this website I´ve being using it for a while now includes both pets that you need ;) Good luck and most inportantly have fun b:pleased
  • So one of these bugs is about venopets like the wandering parrot I catched it at level 17 but when I hatched it, it all of sudden became level 1.
  • Hi Pwi nvm it just updated b:chuckle more greets RoseofTralee