asianbannana Arc User


  • tyvm i dunno how to say it in words. But clearly i wasted about 20gb redownloading thru frusturation. But thanks it works now. Also tyvm for the anti virus.
  • Hey is there any way i can do this without a disc? Or is there a way i can just get back onto pwi? Im getting an antivirus soon so it should be fine. Thanks for the help :)
  • hey, I have a huge problem (i think) ok. So basically i had a virus or something (mid game) then once i rebooted my computer it let me past the patcher (let me press play/start) i tried to login then it said exit and update. On the patcher itr says im version 623 which is the newest to my knowledge. I tried redownloading…
  • Ok sorry but i realized in my files i checked. In perfect world international > element > it says i have a bunch of .pck files but i dont think the pwi installer is picking them up. Tbh i dont even know what in the hell i am saying (if its right or wrong) Please help someone :/