Narla won :D
Better then nothing besides there were some mass lag going on in that tw b:surrender
b:cry I need to level now b:cry Stupid thing is killin me in the PQ rankings b:cry *counting down mins till maintenance b:shutup
Woot Sharing in the Narla luv b:cute
Mmm seems Archers need to step it up on Arch server Gogo Hypers stones go
Very proud of my Narla faction mates! Thanks for the TW fun Impluse, its why I moved too this server Sidenote : WnB you completely suck ! You made me feel like I was trying to kill a bull with a toothpick. Nice build and sharding choice, only barb I didn't want to see coming at me b:chuckle
Thanks for the video ninja skills ! Happy someone did it :D woot b:thanks