ashfirestrawn Arc User


  • Hiya all. I'm Ash, executor of Sanctum. Just wanted to let everyone know that the forums have moved to a new address of Also, you are free to contact me at A_Firestrawn or Kiirien_ and I can bring you into the Faction. Also, weekly bumpage. Hope to chat with ya all soon!
  • So far, the only way I've found to update has been to COMPLETELY uninstall the game and then reinstall it and let hte update run. Outside of that...I don't know what else too do. Could someone from Tech Support give us an update on how to fix this? The element client and the manual patches don't work either.
  • Yes, they came up with 'Patcher file corrupt' or something along those lines.
  • I second that one! That would be great! Well, thye say that the Wraiths may be able to possess someone, but they corrupt everything around them. So, what happens to corrupted members of either race? The models wouldn't need that much of a difference and maybe a series of quests to 'purify' the corruption and join the…
  • On the content for the world, maybe a new race and class combination. For example: Dark Elf FIghter Class: Rouge Caster Class: Necromancer Or something along those lines. I'd also like to see a Secondary Class set up. For example, Blademaster to Knight or Paladin. Venomancer to Druid or Shaman. Things like that. I third…