asgoliath Arc User


  • I love you. I laughed so hard LMAO . ITS SO TRUE!
  • You forgot that its their fault for inflating the economy so that gold prices rise (since they put the rep sales every1 wants). Once gold price rises, cs'ing is the only thing left to make money due to all the inflation. Cannies are like 300k now on my server. Thx pwi for shoving like 10000000000 cannies into the economy…
  • This game is beyond fixable....
  • I wish more people could see this....
  • Game is kinda ruined for the past 2 years.....
  • Ya we kinda are like guinea pigs, except that they make money from us... Mostly cuz of the fact that the community is kinda ignorant of what pwe is actually trying to do... Its pretty obvious business tactics. Why else would they level you to 100 for free (JFC), not punish you(1 week ban is not really a punishment), give…
    in The end... Comment by asgoliath May 2012
  • So your saying its the player-bases fault for ****** this game up? why do you think people cant use SKILLS? PWI has given them the ability to lvl to 100 (-cough- jfc -cough-), get r8/r9 cheaply and jump into end game content... who the **** fault is it?
  • There are so many f2p games that are nothing like pwi. Just cuz its a f2p game with a cash shop doesnt mean that the cash shop can be a tool for 'easy mode'. Alot of f2p mmorpgs these days have a cash shop but nothing like what pwi has. Its a shame.... And im talking about games by turbin3 for example.
  • +1b:sad but pwi doesnt care
  • Ya sure they get their updates first but we get the messed up updates. We dont always get the same updates, pwcn doesnt even have rep in boutique as far as i know.
    in The end... Comment by asgoliath May 2012
  • Thats not my point... no body else without r9 can actually play other than doing bh's. PWI is basically an expiremental game, why is pwcn not fked over so bad? we are like rab rat, they test their sht out here before they put it on cn
    in The end... Comment by asgoliath May 2012