artiwa Arc User


  • Great.. after Server reboot the Characterlist is unaviable? how they can lost that. Mine are also gone. Fix it right or let it be how it was and don't create new problems please. you got enough money where we can say it should be work and not get problems like this.
  • I'm at the Archosaur first seal. i get the quest but there is nothing to dig. Where is the skeletton Yohn's Foe? not at 647 835. So where is it, can someone help me? Thanks for all who can help me.
  • I'm also thinking that isen't a good idea. We play a MMO so we should play together. To many ppl don't help each other because of the powerlevling they do. Thats the reason why you can't find help. They should shut down FC for all lvl under 70. The beginner city's are empty and not many new players are comming because of…
  • Hm no i allready added them and he don't delete that one anymore now (the new one i get from a friend) but i can't verify the files because the launcher don't start. He still miss the packdll file althought its in there. thats my problem.
  • i readed alot of this stuff here. but pls don't ignore my "new" problem isent anywehere i found. I have the file but he can't find it if i start the launcher. but the file is in there so i don't know why this is.
  • Well i getting sick of this all.. my stupid PackDLL.dll file is also gone, but nothing helps. I can't load it from anywhere because its going delete automaticly again. And i will not shut down my antivirus. I also told my antivirus this file is ok. but he still delete it because its not only a suspicious file its a corrupt…
  • Very Bad idea sry. If we try to help Lower ones or just ppl for fun in there you get attacked. WTF is going on with you GM's? Do PK at PK-servers and let us play normal. This ppl do wait at the gate to the hall and kill all who get in intermediatly. Do you rly think thats fun for all this lower ppl? Because the higher ones…