wow nice to see this game is still kickin... and tw aparently is also. kewl :)
I have to say this approach is quite comendable, and taking the time to observe, understand and learn how tw mechanics work, is a major aspect of any guild that wants to improve on tw. This you can learn much better when you go up against the best, tho you might go in with the knowledge that you will lose, the simple fact…
R.I.P Khan. ty for the good moments, the fun, the instances and the PK. You will be missed.
its amazing that the gms dont even bother replying to this thread. even tho it keeps growing, guess we have a typical "failure to communicate" event in our hands.
i am sorry but the "soon" for EG r9 really annoys me, we have been fed that word for over 4 month, i expected by now that we had a different answer, because it really doesent say much than: soon= have no clue when. Tho i have to admit i got used to being played around, doesent mean that i like it, but i have come to expect…
guess this thread needs to be bumped again for the usual obvious reasons
so another rank 9 sale but no rank 9 for EG, awsome pwi, u guys rock, lets punish some more those idiots that decided to roll an EG class. lets let anyone that can afford r9 get it and use it, but lets keep those others in check. to me this almost borders a bias behaviour, if this was not a game ofc. but the fact is we are…
Dia i am not leading the Valhalla army, who ever gave you that notion is incorrect. Also i dont know how many r9s we have, and i dont know if ur numbers are correct, when u say we have close to 80. if its true it is nice to have those numbers, it is handy in a tw against cata since the majority of you guys are r9, or…
i guess you really dont have a clue of what i was talking about. cheers!
do you even bother to read what people write? seems to me you are doing some kind of generalization, and refering to a guild, and i believe i made no mention of such subjects. makes any discussion kinda pointless really, cause we are talking about 2 different things
it is clear we are not talking about the same players, nor the same issue, that drove me to make the comment i did.
it would be interesting to know who exactly you are talking about, those players i am referring to surely dont have that kind of problem
who are calling random r9 VE? do you think you can desmiss the experience that some of us have so lightly? i can tell u all of the r9s u call "random" have been here for long, and are not powerlvl r9s that dont know **** about their class, or what to do, furthermore this are players with enough tw experience and knowledge,…
crimsonJr is back, really???!!!!! OMFG now the tw weekends will really go DISCO.........b:victory guess papa crimson is up for payback!!!
the day AL allies with crimson, is the day i and a few other will leave AL. we have no intention on participating on an aliance like that. we are on good terms with valhalla, kinda like cata is with kylin. other than that we dont participate in ventures that serve no purpose to us.
dont roll a seeker or any EG for that matter, not unless u want to be taken as second rate player, that cant get the same gear as all other classes do, i.e. R9.
There is no excuse regarding the r9 for EG. It has been released for over 2 month on the chinese servers, so the not implemented yet excuse doesent cut it anymore. there have been patch updates, and still the r9 was not added, but sure lets add ring engraving and more packs, who cares about the players that rolled EG…
i thought that by now u were over the fact that u got kicked from AL, apparently u still relive this in ur mind. such resentment.
frankly i dont know what more to say, other than i am still waiting for something that seems to never come, week after week, hoping the next patch will bring it. tho we had some replies from gms, and frankie himself, the answers were a bit obscure to say the least, a very soon can mean just about any time frame. to me it…
i was in no way referring to you personally, i understand your position and where you are coming from, this was more adressed to those that actually have the responsibility and the rewards from this franchise. if i may have offended you in any way, my apologies, that was not my intention, i respect your job and i perfectly…
if its unnecessarily overpowered gear why did you guys decided to release it?, and since the scales have been tiped why desmiss it when all classes but 2 have access to it? and dont get me wrong , but for what you said we are hostages of developers that dont take into consideration the aspects of their affiliate, and only…
+1 totally agree!!!!
what i am annoyed about, is the equal opportunity play base criteria. one can choose to go r9 or not to invest in it, this is not the point. the point is, why is the new class not allowed the same game principles has all others. first it was because the r9 for EG had not been released in the chinese servers. so we had to…
i have to say, yes GG, considering that catalyst has the best tw formation on the server, a close call like the one that happened yesterday was indeed GG. first because there is quite a difference in gear amongst the members of each guild. secondly because of the combined tw experience that the core members of catalyst…
i am puzzled you say AL attacks out of fear???? how did you come up with that conclusion? in what concerns tw, fighting catalyst may be a no win scenario atm, but it pays highly in tw experience. and i welcome the fights against catalyst, if ever you want to improve, i'd rather fight against the best.
i totally agree, its frustrating having everything set to go r9 and just be waiting for no aparent reason. EG is the only class that doesent have r9. i play less and less, and i am losing interest in game, i see no point in playing when u dont have a fighting chance. As for zen i stoped charging it, its pointless, and if i…
well neither jest nor stupid, my issue here is regarding seekers, not OLD classes, so either u are on the wrong thread or u just didnt get the point.
i have to say that other than the stupid lag i experienced on sunday's tw against Kylin, i consider that it was a fair and square win, and gz to kylin. i enjoyed alot the saturday tw, it was fun. i can understand the coments from some kylin members saying that they did not do as usual, and that they consider it a bad tw…
ur arguments faill to demonstrate intent, they show probable cause, but they dont quite pass that. i rest my case