angryteddybear Arc User


  • im pretty sure ax bm's cant kill barbs cuz they hit so slow when triple spark fist is like using zerk xs but hitting 1.45 secons =/ misty ring is for the weak ax build
  • well ill let you guys know this im a 86 BM and im a extreme build (can weild all BM weapons). For killing other BM's and Barbs i use my 80hh fist. As ppl may say fist ppl get owned at end of game. Thats so wrong if you ever saw how fast fist hit and the hh90 gold fist with zerk. Fist vit build pvps almost never lose to…
  • umm ya I (director) dont know why where on half the kos's where on. CQ cant even keep there story the same every time i asked them. But honestly i could careless i dropped things. I **** towns and disbanded guilds. SO may i wrap this up. I AnGrY tEdDyBeAr of Redhawk am a proud member of the random pkers club. NOW WHO WANTS…