In PVE anything past 100% pdef or mdef reduction doesn't matter, so sb ulti + mire already maxes out. SB ulti is more valued for the channeling speed reduction that delays things on some bosses making the nuke easier.
I usually use chi apoth during that combo to be at full chi for the last hit.
It doesn't even need to be FSJ. FSD works too.
Interrupts generally aren't an issue when nuking. For pve I tend to spark and hf. I tend to have Ethereal glyphs on Ferocious Leap, Ocean's Edge, and Drake's ray. Sanguine glyph on River Avalanche. Golden Glyph on hf. And Verdant glyph on Army Crusher. The army crusher glyph is mostly there from pvp though. River Avalanche…
It's on the second page of general discussion
It's in a forum thread and on the pwcn servers.