aleeneh Arc User


  • Psh, I don't generally get angry at him and if I do I'm not irrational like that. No worries. Also, we did talk about playing Barbs, but the class doesn't really appeal to either of us...which is why we ended up not playing those. And meh, as mentioned above, we're not that bothered for finding squads with other people and…
  • FAC? Also, seriously, I think there's nothing wrong with having custom builds, instead of making all characters copies of each other.
  • Thanks so much for your quick reply! It helps a lot. And with Whirlwind you mean Great Cyclone, I assume? :] If not, I'm confused XD
  • Well, I'm the girlfriend 8D To be honest, we were thinking of choosing characters of the same race so we'd have the same starting point. It'll be my first time playing, so I'd really like some help, especially in the beginning XD We're now in doubt between a Cleric/Archer or a Blademaster/Wizard combo. Which would be…