akibaby Arc User


  • Your replies to people trying to help you were very rude. i -am- a vista user and i've had no issues with the game at all. but if i did one of my good friends, who puts together computers for a living!, suggested all the same things that all these very nice people have been very nicely explaining to you. you should listen…
  • me too. i love my treeline wolfie..i just don't love looking at him. i never noticed anything wrong with my sharptooth though. i shouldcheck..might wanna check my antelope as well
  • sometimes it's not possible. i was getting booted alot when i was setting it. i didn't want anything to happen to my account when i was having so much trouble. i -didn't- get to see the warning. i was booted. 3 times. so yeah. when i came back it was set..nothing i could do