this shouldnt be big news to any1, it's obvious the game has bugs, it just started =P but there should be a thread where we can repport bugs, if any1 can tell me where to report bugs, thanks
im not sure about the camera thingy, but most of the lag is from ur graphic card, its runs perfectly on my pc :D the camera shouldnt be "noticable slow" im sure its from ur graphic card (most of it anyways)
The first thing im doing in the game is checking out the cash shop, ill see what items are there to find out if its really free to play. If its obvious then im gona be forced to buy from the cash shop sooner or later, im sticking to psn when it comes to online :D
Does optional pvp mean someone has to accept my challenge in order for me to kick his ****?
Well okay thanks for answering my question ./ end thread
Will this game have a lot of lag? I have a super awesome computer so if there is any lag it should be from the servers :D
I suggest waiting for the game to get released THEN wait till beta ends THEN you can create a fan-made website, make sure you include that. And also since you have a lot of time on your hands be creative and make your own banner. Don't just copy past information. I'm sure a lot of people are going to need guides so if you…
Thank God it's my last year of school! wake up, go to school (7:45AM-1:30PM) come back home, eat from 2:30-3:00 play from 3:00pm-6:00pm then i do homework, eat dinner blah blah sleep. repeat