Bumping this topic on the off chance the developers actually look at the forums, please and thank you.
Bumping this topic again. Many are beginning to lose hope that the price will be adjusted back to an achievable level for US currency which will have a huge negative impact on server population. This price change is actively driving people away from the game - we aren't going to suddenly just start paying the new price, we…
Just bumping this, things still not fixed. All we get from tickets are responses to post on the forums, and then radio silence. - Colosseum not working - Slumber opening price still 5x what it should be - Chrono Hunt has been broken for years - Final Glyph slot quest (Trial - Sacrifice) cannot be completed, it asks us to…
GM asked me to leave this here regarding Sacred Spirit pricing. Cost of unlocking Slumber Sacred Spirits since the expansion has gone up to 10G from 2G, which makes achieving G17 armor prohibitively expensive. Similar thoughts on Noble and Royal Spirit pricing, but I don't have math on those. I hope this pricing can be…
When I submitted a ticket about lack of email codes, I was told to come post on the forums. So here I am, posting on the forums, with no idea why this is supposed to help...
IGN: Seacoral Server: Sanctuary Date: 10/19/2008 So sometime in 2012, I followed a random WC calling for veno's everywhere to come to Broken Bridge Village. Upon arriving, I found out this barb (Spank_Tank) had managed to get a herd of pure fluffiness together. We proceeded to parade over to West Archosaur, looking…
I usually use that method but Nature's Grace was in cooldown so I figured I'd just tick my charm...unfortunately it didn't work out quite as planned b:beatup
I am sure I didn't have any DoT effects on me and hadn't taken any previous damage but I didn't check the damage log...probably would've helped lol. Wasn't PvP though I'm on a PvE server