aidalyn Arc User


  • I'd like to know the answer to this question as well. Is there any way to change the "secondary ears" (bunny, cat, evil, etc.) besides loading another preset, thus invalidating all your previous settings?
  • After checking it out, I think I prefer the ? mark. To me, MMOs are about playing and identifying with characters I create. Seeing my character name next to a stock picture that looks nothing like my character just clashes with this concept.
  • Well, I tried voting. I checked all of the available options for which I would actually purchase zen. But I received the following error: I agree with all the previous posters -- this needed more options.
  • New user here. I saw a web banner, reviewed your website, liked the appearance of the character customization system, and thought I'd give this game a try. But this topic is already changing my mind -- even before I've completed the client download. The most alarming things to learn were:* Cash shop consumables will affect…