If played right, a heavy melee veno can actually be pretty strong. While you may not get any attack skills to use, you still get the benefits of support skills. The hp/mp recovery spells and the hp/mp swap spell can pretty much keep you at full hp without the need for pots. Thorns helps kill things faster, when you're…
The level 5 turtles near each starter city have the same stat growth, like a lot of the starter-area pets. It's merely a choice of which one you think looks the best.
A friend pointed out that Mikeya had posted in this, so I figured I would make 1 last post. Not sure if he'll read this or not, but oh well. The 'options' that you gave to people for making you leave the spawns alone aren't readily available to all players. As you have said numerous times, many of the Venomancers are…
The main problem I can see with an archer build, would be lack of magic. Since you would have no skills to use for your ranged attacks, you would have to pump your dex as high as possible to get some decent damage output. Since you're ranged attacking, your pet would be tanking most of the time, similar to a mage build.…
As I have said before already (and I'll put it again in bold): No, there is currently no rule against killing the pet. That is why I made this thread. I feel that the game would be better overall by having consequences for killing the rare pets. It is a suggestion. Therefore, I put it in this forum, the Suggestion Box -…
If a non-venomancer that is level 80+ kills a rare pet, what other good reason would they have besides "for the heck of it"? Yes, they are currently the same as any other mob. I posted because I made a suggestion that this be changed. That's why I put this thread in the Suggestion Box forum, instead of some other area.…
As I described in my thread (the post you linked), if a player is killing the rare pets purely out of spite, then it has a negative impact on the game, and is thus against the ToS. This is why I put in the suggestion that a rule be made against killing the rare pets, since there is no rule currently in place. I am also…
One thing you should look at, is the level 60 green magic sword (don't know the name of it offhand). It's requirements are only slightly higher than the level 54 sword, but you get a lot more damage out of it - plus, from what I remember seeing on the AH, it's quite cheap. By level 90, you'd have enough points to wear that…
If the venomancers in game would get together and create a fair system for taming the pets, as Mikeya suggested, I would be all for it. I wouldn't even mind waiting a few days/weeks, if I knew I was guaranteed a chance at getting one of the pets. @Mikeya: I can't vouch for everyone who says that they are there to give the…
While this thread has devolved much more than I had hoped (hence why I asked people not to post...), I do have something to say about this post: My objective in creating this thread was such that the developers would create a rule against killing the rare pets. However, I have also been following a thread in the Heavens…
Yes, your normal attacks will be the same speed as if you were in human form. In regards to this, most of the magic weapons actually have a higher attack rate than most normal melee weapons, so that does provide a slight bonus. Generally, even if you get the best magic weapon possible for your level, the melee mastery…
Foxform itself will almost always have a lower damage-per-hit than a pure melee build. Even if you choose to go heaven form, and get the full +200% damage bonus from melee mastery, you'll still usually be doing less damage on the actual swings, compared to a normal melee weapon (i.e. dual axes). Where foxform starts…
It's only a visual difference. They have the same stats, and get access to the same skills, so make your character look how you want it to.
Mainly, the use of a pet. This adds additional damage on top of what you can do, and also adds survivability. If you manage the pet well, you can take very little if any damage from mobs, so long as you don't steal hate. The pet can also add effects, such as armor break, which helps some. Venomancers also get a thorns…
No problem for writing that up. A couple things to add that I thought up later: At low levels, the pure-melee will probably be considerably stronger than a foxform veno. Mainly, this is due to the passive melee mastery - since you don't even get it until level 19, and even then the bonus probably wouldn't put your p.atk up…
You might have accidentally switched him to 'stay' and 'manual' modes. This would prevent him from following you, and he wouldn't help you in battle unless you tell him to attack. To remedy these problems, make sure you move him to one of the other modes (defend or auto, i think they're called) and have him set to follow…
I'm not advocating any kind of list. In my post, I even said that the pets do die sometimes in the process of taming with only other Venomancers around. What I'm complaining against, is that fact that a high level, non-Venomancer blatantly killed the pet, purely out of spite such that no one would be able to tame it. This…
At lower(ish) levels, both build types (foxform/pure melee) are fairly good. They can both output some decent damage, and they can both take hits fairly well. Having a good pet also helps up your damage and survivability. The pure melee type has the advantage of being able to use the scarab spells if you're good at…