Who? To my knowledge only Yuuki, Law and Blessed have reached 89 and I can guarantee yuuki and law are no higher than 90, and since blessed only got demon like 3 days ago i can't imagine shes any higher so who is this 92?
its pretty simple, if the timer is under 20min(basically 19 or less there may be some overlap) 20mins are added to the time if a bid is placed, this continues until no bid is placed in the last 20min therefore if a bid is placed within 20min and the person whom was outbid immediately rebids the timer will still be above…
first off there is no there are no weapons in the cash shop, secondly my archer wears all legendaries and ive only ever spent just enough money in real life to get a spurred elephant because i wanted one and felt ive had enough fun on this game to be willing to support it just like buying a game for a video game console(if…
That is not true, there are tons and tons of people selling xp scrolls now for nearly half the price they usually cost. Normally they cost roughly 50k, right now u can buy them for 35k sometimes. The sale helps anyone willing to pay some in game gold for the items. If u watch the market carefully, grind alone often, put up…
yes it does, im secretly the only real panda playing mmorpgs sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell the other pandas
the truth is the archer glitch your bashing on makes it slightly easier, there is a non glitch way to do exactly this its just a bit harder to do, so this glitch isn;t really that big a deal, as for the veno glitch, if its just gouf that it can be done on, fine i don;t think thats worth the gms efforts to try and control…
the best indicator of value is to look at the auction house, and only count auctions that someone has actually bid on(check the min bid and make sure its not equal to the current bid), items that aren;t bid on are irrelevant, also the auction house takes a % of your income from it as well as having a base cost to list an…
im gonna guess it has something to do with the daylight savings time clock change this weekend but im not sure why that would make it go forward
its all about personal preference and play type. bow is average attack speed and decent damage, and often are the most visually pleasing xbow is a bit slow(but if your a skill spammer that doesn;t matter) but has a mcuh higher max attack slingshot is faster but has low max damage but has a good average damage but also has…
To a pure dex or nearly pure dex archer it is incredibly useful PVE. Leading with it means your done a ton more damage to the mob before it even knows your there, which means less attacks taken and less damage taken, which means less dying and longer charm life. I'll trade the slight dps hit for survivability every time,…
its really up to you, if you cna find a bow or xbow with clearly supirior stats change to it, otherwise stay with fb19
Well if flying gets removed again it is possible for a supirior guild to defend 2 maybe even 3 simultaneously(assuming the third is not a top 5 guild)
I think the TW time being midnight this week has to do with the clocks changing, they may not change the server time or something which would make the new midnight time be 11 next week
Its pretty simple, if u can get a mob to not attack you or your pet, its a bannable glitch. Also if u can get any mob to walk thru a solid object so you can kill him without doing something to get into the said area, its also a bannable glitch.
Well WB people will love you, and ask for you for partying all time time. BM on the other hand, no one is ever looking for a BM they are basically just a less squishy DD which if you have a decent WB tank is totally useless.
Scary but amazingly accurately scary, that is without a doubt the closest look a like
never carry extra charms, clothes, or any cash shop item you aren't using once you are using a charm it can't be dropped also theres a pve server for a reason, it gives you the choice, i personally rarely go white name because it has no real purpose that can't be done thru duels, gvg TW
Also for future reference in game, if you check a persons Player Info that is wearing it, you can click a button and try what it would look like on yourself
Why not just make it the opposite to increase pvping, make killing someone in pvp give the killer xp, the amount dependant upon the level of the defeated opponent, that way it discourages both massacring much lower levels and ganking since the xp would be divided jsut like a mob kill. Also they could make red names lose xp…
And for now with the name issue since the game character names are case sensitive just capitolize or uncapitolize a single letter in the name and u'll be fine
well first off magic = 5 don;t ever touch it, dex needs to atleast enough to use all your gear, then you gotta decide, for maximum tanking have enoguh str for ur gear and rest vit, for more damage and slightly easier leveling add a bit more to str
im a barb and i almost never get any drops so i guess if u average all the comments it is random :)
blademasters can;t tank, barbs really are the only tanks in this game, honostly i feel like blademasters are slightly useless blend of tanking and damage, they can survive more than 1 hit but their damage compared mage/arch suffers and they lack constant range, now granted im not saying their ocmpletely useless but as far…
me too for my schedule they are pretty perfect but i do understand that some people are cut out by the times
no i didn;t read sat & sun although i do work some saturdays and i know a few people who work every saturday, also im willing to bet most american players aren't on during saturday afternoon. personally im in favor of the guild master picking the time of the TW, in which it must be between 6pm friday and 11pm sunday and…
2-5pm is ridiculous that would unallow most american players to participate due to school/work, personaqlly id recommend moving the time up 2 hours to 9pm est(gmt -5) but if i was in europe i think id rather go to bed early and wake up just befoe 5 am to play than stay up til 5am
But if i'm not mistaken youcan buy gold with zen in PW-MY which floods the world with extra gold drive prices way up since anyone who pays $$$ can get plenty of gold whereas in this economy theres only as mcuh total gold as people have farmed from quests and monsters minus what has been spent on npcs
ummmmm i pretty sure the answer would be werebeast/barbarians.... since they have way way more life than the rest of the classes
I do believe under the game agreements dual client is allowed as long as you don't modify any game files, this does allow for dual clienting legally although the game is coded to stop you from running another instance, but there is a way to get around that without altering game files but i'm not telling because i feel…
Next time it happens check your chi(yellow bar up top) if its empty chances are you ran out of chi mid combo and couldn';t perform the next spell and that broke the chain