adamknube Arc User


  • Its attitude like this that keeps me out of the forums... You try to help people and they just trash talk and say its your fault for not finding their solution... Get off yer *** and find some answers yourself maybe... I'm done with this thread b:surrender BTW for the ie6/ie7 bug on 10% loading.... Why does this not happen…
  • This process should work every time, great guide! No matter what flavor of linux you have this applies very well... Is 1.3.12 the last version that icons still work??? Has anyone tried going newer?? I know that current release and bleeding edge are messed, but how far can one go before it breaks??? Also in current 1.3…
  • In winecfg, go to video page and check the setting for Virtual Desktop and set a size of 800x600 or 1024x768 or whatever you screen/eyes can handle... After doing this you can set the game to fullscreen and it only takes up as much room as you set for Virtual Desktop... for instance i run 1440x900 on my real desktop and…
  • For me the naked toons returned to normal after changing the load order of the msvcrt.dll... Weird thing is... If I don't install the vcrun6 package then the game crashes one way, If i install it, then my toons are naked, and it crashes another way. But if i install it and then turn it off it works.... Does this help your…
  • This is 100% true as long as you are using wine1.2 to begin with... The new ubuntu ships with wine1.3 which has wrong icon pictures for many things... Hence why i explain the full downgrade/re-install process, the forum was originally titled problems in 11.10 ;)
  • ok.. once you verify the game can run, i suggest you install this registry file ... To do this copy the text from pastebin and save it as like pwi.reg or something it doesnt matter really... then go to command terminal and type: wine regedit pwi.reg (or whatever u named it)... and it will do…
  • Ahhh pando... it is a spamkit of sorts... not good software i don't know why reputable company like PW is using it... WINE never has and never will support pando or even worse softwares like hackshield.... please read on this.... anyways... i suggest you get the torrent and use program such as transmission to download the…
  • i will do this... but it is late tonight... maybe i try tomorrow.... GL
  • im not going to get technical im just going to blurt out answers. if you dont understand something i type then please RTFM for wine and such. PS all this is posted in the wine app-db i did it about 6 months ago. First and most important... For speed reasons and a few other..... Downgrade from wine 1.3 to 1.2... again im…