Well isnt a "Flash sale" or "Flash promo" supposed to be "Flash"... I took it to mean quick, surprising, and bam in your face... and if you can only afford to charge on payday and not any other day... Then maybe you shouldnt be charging xD I don't know about anyone else, but I was able to participate in the Flash JoSD…
I got the elf flyer!! It's sexy af!
You have to use the super safe stone twice to get it. the second time you get 96 slots... Same with the bag
Nope, the name will still appear as taken. Probably because if someone were to take someone else's old name they could really **** up that person's in game reputation
So will there be saturday and Sunday NW since cross server event has been taken away?
But obviously.... Clerics are the superior class overall. Boom.
You can still participate in the spend promos. Just need to always have a gold bid in, and save it.
I spent more time on this than I care to admit, I'm not an editor so I don't have a lot of the same tools as other people b:sad Hope you guys like it! b:cute Name: Vitalicious Server: Archosaur Fahion Entry:
Theme Anything blue, purple, mysterious. Just... Whatever you think looks best Images 1. 2.…