haven't tried thunderstrom in pvp o.O its in my opinion for desperate people? like when i remember a guy that did everything and in the end he needs to use thunderstorm just to defeat me o.o
i can say add more for vit when u go for TW more.b:laugh like 5 STR, 3 DEX, 2 VIT? or you make ur adjustments cause put in mind that magic attacks don't miss.
pardon me but you made our faction name wrong, it should be NightFall not NightFly b:shocked
imho you should reset ur vit a bit, and just put in some hp shards, but on the other hand if you are comfortable with taht build then you can just add more on phys. defence b:pleased or are you more into damage?
"First to have tail Boner is contestant number 2! (the elf who rides the raptor) i think he gave em too much buff this morning"
- NightFall - ghetts (Ghetts) - thank youb:bye
well she has a point with this b:laugh