Im the OP. I recovered the login data of my old Sage Archer account. I got 3.33 base and 5.00 with Rerentless Courage. Since noadays there are barely ppl with aps anymore I often steal aggro with my g15 claws in BHs. You ppl forgetting the fact that you can perma spark with aps.
I guess ill go for g16 xbow at all. It fits my play style as sage archer better. I think Purge is rather for demon archers who spam QS, spark and auto attack lol.
I'd prefere to pick 1 then switching whole time.
But doesn't r8r have a bigger chance to proc the purge than g15?
Can't decide between the purge and attack levels of g16.. Both is useful.
Purge = Spirit Blackhole? Is purge that good to equalize the attack levels g16 has?
What are the advantages of r8r Bow over g16? I just saw in pw.database that it costs 80m to craft the r8rr bow
So better go for g16 instead?
Or just turn Nirvana back into fb 109 :P
There is a caster version aswell :P If I remember right caster NV even had better drops than the regular ones.
It wouldn't be to hard to increase the drops but no..
awww D: but we still can have some fun with new expansion. :P Got 173 exp jades now and nothing can stop me muahaahahaaaaa
Uhmm Im 20, love hip hop and metal. Im addicted to music. When there comes a good beat I gotta dance to it. Krump and newschool stuff. I also play electric and accoustic guitar. Idk how to describe the type of friends Im looking for o.O
Ok demon is the best and you are the best. happy now?
Or maybe I was being sarcastic? But who cares. Pls let this thread die. Why dont let this thread die? Its the same thing over and over again , we already had a lot of this threads and I doupt the op still cares. The truth is you all suck. No matter if demon or sage ;)
How to make that hairstyle?
Wow after months I come back to check forum and this god damn tread is still going on... Again: Sage archer is for DPH and demon for DPS. End of the story. Im the best -cha archer on harshlands. Ppl underestimate the power of -cha on sage archers muhahahahahaaaahahhsahhshdausgaaasudhsadufhvsdsa! Because everyone in PWI…
With original devs comming back there might be a chance that we will get a raised lvl cap in the future and they might do something about aps actually. Maybe a real nerf. We might get the unfinished housing system and PVP arena aswell. Maybe the PVP arena for next expansion together with the new PVP system. I so want the…
One of my dreams just came true!! Archosaur studios comming back and working on the game. Working on all classes and the PVP system. I got the feeling that this will be the best update we EVER had!
Sage is about DHP and Demon DPS. End of the story.
Both cultis SUCK HARD in PK. Just my pole is smexy!
Wow Ive never seen it this way! Maybe we would have gotten 100+ skills aswell or lv 120 skill which requires 4 sparks and a lv 150 skill which requires 5 sparks and maybe even demon/sage version of those! I so want a lv 150 5 spark skill now :D to bad we will never get anything like that :/
Pwi with archosaur studious would have turned out amazing. Much bigger open world with more cities as huge as archo, sandsong palace, 150 cap, Fbs after 109, more content, the arenas in starting cities, everything else which our version doesnt have.
Same with those arenas you cant enter in original starting towns + archo. Im wondering if other versions have those thought. Flyers of new races arent upgradable because new devs dont know how to. I believe new devs also dont know how to cap the aps :D
This isnt even real content.
Whats so hard about raising lv caps and make some content for 105+ As everybody knows being lv 105 atm is useless content wise. You only get rewarded with a few more attribute points.
Exactly. I doupt that op still cares about this.
And when they finaly do something about nirvana so not everyone is forced to go NW? I dont get what its so hard about increasing the drops there. At first everyone rolled aps classes, sin, bm Just so they can spam NV all day. Later caster NV came which had better drops. Then suddenly everybody rolled a Caster class but…
And at what hour you wanna start the cross NW so every1 from all timezones can take part of it?