I takez muh cookies....nuuuu divine_bliss u can't haz my cookiez! MOINE!! *licks all the cookies*
Simply put fookio...They mentioned it already with pop-up links and need to pay more attention >_> Nov. 25th of THIS year! b:mischievous Please feel free not to respond back to this made my brain hurt b:surrender
b:pleased it was my pleasure! lmao! b:chuckle
Thankyas! b:kiss
A couple pics of me! xD
b:chuckle GO WARREN! That was great! Kudos to U and your "calm" b:victory As you said, not many ppl stay calm when all of that is going down, you have my applause lol!
I completely agree, there are the collection of high lvl's that are pleasant and helpful, and also agree to the majority of them being jerks. Why? 'Cause they all think that because they are high lvl on a game, that they "awesome" and "the best". Don't kid yourself either, the adults that play are asses just as much of the…