It seems to be only east, as usual, my aren't we the lucky ones lmbob:chuckle
Yeah, it has been hours and hours with no update. Complete horse pucky. We should get more 3x or 2x, or a demon sage card for missing all our dailies, and disconnecting during an instance, have to start all over b:cry
Sorry I uninstalled it as I had nothing but problems with it as well, another thing no one is trying to mention, is that the way I know it, it seems to cut out dual client. b:shutupb:angryb:bye
Thank you fellow gamerz, saved me a loss of over 30k dq points, probably wont matter as I cant run arc well, but I earned them so pwi should not be able to take without are awesome to help figure this out!!! Much love!!b:cuteb:victoryb:surrender
Agree, if it was not supposed to be up after December, but was still running in Feb, then how do you not expect a huge backlash when you take away the chances of your most vetran players, being able to utilize the last of their rewards, and no final warning, OR CHOICE about arc?!! Arc does not make the game run better for…
I have an error on my FB page that looks like a virus almost, says something that I need to click it to fix game download or install issues...umm...I am in game, but it won't let me get my blessing as uaual lol...and here on the PWI site, it says I need to like the game on the world fan page...never unliked it so the…
Keep finding ways to get us to leave??...IF that is the aim, you may arc the reason FB link is broke also?!b:shutup
I have requested in writing multiple times, please add something different to the event gold has not changed in years and gets passed over time, and time again, for huge expansions and then bug fixes, and the cycle pa pa please, now will you get to it?!!!b:cryb:kissb:surrender
yes, in general, you want to use the stones that are the right level for the weapon, get the best stats, and "GLOW"b:chuckle
Look, we all agree PWI is fun, or none of us would be here at all...that said, it is awesome how fast some of the pwi team responds to a problem and fixes it, however, there are many bugs in the game that have been there for 3 years now, and there should not be expansion, after expansion, until those issues are fixed!!!…
Seriously...want my toon...and stahp saying there is no problem...I am unable to enter SOT, and now freaked out about trying to go into any other instance...and yeah, missing 2x thanks to who ever answered my ticket and said everything is is NOT!!!!b:angry
Oh My Gawd!!!! Again?!! Yeah, waited until you said it should be safe, then tried to port in this I am missing 2x again?!!!!!!!!!! STOP BRINGING OUT NEW STUFF AND FIX THE OLD STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!b:angryb:angry
Ty for the info, and sorry you have these type of issues also...on that note...ofc we get 2x while I am hostage...please give me back pwi!!!!b:cryb:cryb:cry
sweetiebot please remove 2 points from Spell_Caster for stealing a joke from Quentin T. in the movie Desperadob:chuckle
If I ever try to go in again, if/when I get back out, and it is supposed to be fixed...I will try that, ty!!b:thanks
A Barb walked into a bar...the Veno shape shifted, and the Huggy Hare jumped right over,(jk, jk) then the Veno said "no way am I going into another instance after what happened last time!!!" the Barb, still in the doorway, feeling a bit FUZZY said "Come on, it will be fine" and she gets a funny look on her face, and says…
I think the 5 of you, or the one that made 5 new toons (that play on another server btw) should grow a pair and use your mains to throw your two cents in...I haven't even played with anyone in game for over a year...I only solo... so help or shaddapp!!! (Secret Agent thing is funny tho lmao)b:chuckle
happens anytime there is a disconnect...does not matter if it is on your end, or the server...first check your net, then your computer, then the server, as that is usually the order there is problems, and if and when it is the server, it is usually scheduled maint. or a quick very rare a server goes down off…
Entering the doorway to SOT,no witnesses that I am aware, and heck no I delete nothingb:chuckle
Hate all you want I did nothing wrong...trying to warn others that if they go into SOT they will or can get stuck is compassionate...and the right thing to do, annoying or not...and if I am not mistaken, this is general far as I am aware it is also the place where I would ask others if this has happened to…
LMAO I know...facepalm...and you are welcomeb:cry
OMG...this is not o.k!!! Thank you to the GM who was able to move me out of the SOT doorway, however, you neglected to mention that you did not fix the bug!!! I thought it was safe to finish the quest and now I am bugged in the same spot!!! So what do you do to get me back out, fix the bug, and how do you compensate for…
I think it is awesome that you guys are trying to help...any more ideas?b:cryb:cry
I tried w, and s...multiple timesb:surrender
TY Ear and Flame...I did write it up and for sure will try to get on a different pc, but with how long it takes to install and some personal things, that could take me forever and a day...I am a tiny bit relieved to hear I am not the only one this has happened to, and that it seems others were eventually able to play those…
The "Forced Vacation" of venomancer _Ravenous_ is still under investigation. At this time, she is still being held in an undisclosed location. Last seen entering Seat Of Torment. No word on any possible witnesses, authorities say so far, this is believed to be an isolated incident. The family is asking for the communities…
I would like the forum title <3 Miss Cuki Monstah <3
So far, no one has claimed responsibility for PWI's first toon napping, and no ransom has been demanded. _Ravenous_ is thought to be very scared, said to be held hostage in the doorway of Seat Of Torment, she is alone and would wish to see her pets taken care of until her return. At this time there are no others suspected…
It still let my toon los xp, so I put in a ticket...and I saw that too!! So now a coin for dq, and we die we going to lose points too?!! Awesome pwi...kill the game fasterb:angry