_Pinkage_ - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Abba bh today, so tried clearing it solo for fun. Managed to clear right up to the boss, selfbuff only, purely off the pots the mobs dropped and a little genie chi. Nasty without bp though. Perhaps next I'll go solo fcc'ing or try out a pav. xD Also, randomly flying past etherblade when bored, I saw a lv70 HA Sword-cleric…
  • Can't use skills with an axe, but I hotkey a magic weapon. It soon becomes as second nature as switching between axe and claw for spark->hf's. 5.0 would be nice. The reason I chose axes over aps is because we get no atk or atk speed from spark. Claw dps wasn't very much above Axe, and required full aps gear, while with axe…