I'm back to the suggestion thread rawr!!! Scount Stash Expansion Stones. Something like the banker-inventory stones. I'm again demanding this, seriously, players will buy it, we want more slots into our account stash, also by the way allow a password on it, because our items there are vulnerable in case that someone gets…
LOL coloured mounts..... That penguin/frog must be funny to ride b:chuckle New wedding outfits, maybe a new different wedding aswell. Thanks Astyoo for all the info !!!
Would be great if the allow us to lock the horn chat
NV ticket form Shroud is 24hours timed. Normal one from the NV npc is 15mins timed. That's the difference you are asking for. If you are not going to spam the dungeons with more players or you are not able to solo it there is not real reason to stay in the order. Otherwhise you only have a 5% prestige lose as penalty when…
grats! but its purple with pinky glow b:cute
Scount Stash Expansion Stones. Something like the banker-inventory stones. I'm again demanding this, seriously, players will but it, we want more slots into our sacount stash, also by the way allow a password on it, because our items there are vulnerable in case that someone gets our account info. Morai Orders Countdown. I…
You didn't had checked right the 1st time. Always has beeing required 3,500 prestige and 675 influence to purchase the book, no coins fee from order. This is a passive skill. You need to be lv95 in order to learn it, 3m coins and 3m spirit. Aware of Vacunity cultivation (lv89 one, aka, sage-demon) As for the original…
I edited the other post before you replied coz forgot the coloured divine quest gives nice exp. I use to pick white ones but only the ones that requieres to kill mobs into Seat -Abbadon so I can get it done while doing bh100. I run nix valley hypered+2xscroll twice with my hubby, we get around 0.2-0.3% from those run.…
WQ is 300k exp after lv90+ Endless Universe is 400k exp Also you can do nix valley, if unlocked Shroud exp emblems and purple-blue divine quests. Shroud Emblems = 100k per emblem max to 20 per day. Divine Purple: 631125exp, Blue: 148500Exp. You can stash the exp orbs from BHI and II also the Exp orb from EU. It takes time,…
GM post
Yay! people can stop QQ coz no offical GM post
/BUMP GM advice in server: Hello all, we are aware of the stuck issues and will be investigating that as soon as possible.
If you mean the chara attribute points you can do so with reset notes that you can purchase from boutique. If you mean the srest of stats those changes according to your gears.
WQ time xP
En los foros debes hablar en ingles, sino no escribas. El server esta estropeado despues del mantenimiento de ayer por lo que los teleporter de algunas cuevas-eventos no funcionan y no te deja salir. You have to post in english in order to post in forums. The servers are glitched after yesterdays maintennance, the…
You can get more physical -magical defense from ornaments. Not sure about the promo set you were talking about, i think it's the one they realeased with Earthguard expansion, but those has bonus set that gives you some added stats. You can always get the pwi blessing from the facebook page, the one that gives you defense…
If this is an attemp to troll you failed so far.................I just LOL'ed
Double drops it's over in all the server. Drops are back to the normal drops rates.
Thats not a double jump...... it's just use your keyboard while walk-jump for those small walls, ledges in tt's. The sencond morai boss he is refering to is the Endless Universe one that many players can't jump because of lag that you can get into with the same keyboard combo.
....... this issue is in another thread in the main page...... Sanctuary server is screwed, how about others?
He wants to double jump, like you do in normal world. That actually you cannot do into instances.
Yea, others already started a thread about it. Sanctuary server is screwed, how about others? You can always submit a ticket it will be way faster than forums.
Instances are fixes for jumps-fly.......... You just can double jump in normal world.
This is the mayor reason you should have never made this thread. QQ coz prices dropping..... if they change the boss to make it more hard to kill, players will stop bothering on tank-farm Doom. It will raise the mat price to pair it with chips made price....... OH WAIT! you can manufacture it from chips...... players are…
LMFAO GM's trolling Sanctuary server......late aprils fools!!! Yay! so funny how are do we all getting trapped into instances. Morai, fcc, cube, heaven, hell....... I already adviced like 2 days ago that we were having issues to log toons after log off or crash. I demand a compensation for our 'trapped time' b:laugh @…
Just go there and loot the coins to check by yourself, after get 200k from an 1hour glitching mobs tell me how the hell is he or whoever going to afford 3x full r9 sets +12 +JOSD and others gems he has plus the g16 cube necks....... Also FYI he was full r9+12 and recasted on wizzy before start doing PQ3 thingy.
Gratz Astypoo you finally had your date with harpy!!
It's not gonna happen Frequently Made Suggestions: Check here before posting! Unbinding charm/service/item/npc should be available At this time there is no plan for Perfect World International to offer an unbinding service as it runs contrary to express purposes of selling binding charms. Please remember that binding the…
If you are refering to loot the coins from glitch the PQ3 you are so wrong there. Bele_Wizz is a real cs, bear with it, he has some different charas to opens packs with. Digipooo loves to open packs !!!!
I know Sasuke loves to check my player info b:cute