barell roll
5/10 sorry i know mine would get 1 =(
OK IMO i dont think we need 2 Chinese mithology mmos -.- I would want a classical wizards-dragons-wariors-kingdoms-magic perfect world =(
A barrel Roll Whats the hardest question in the world?? =D
banned for doing a barrel roll
bubimir rocks im from same country as him xD
Like buy from IM and then sell it in game? Hmm telecoustic probably
... 14...?
I want classical fantasy-mage-warrior-kingdoms-magic PWI!1!!!!!!1!!1!!
Dude how old r u? Personally just being childish i would want 2 be a girl one day so I could know how it feels ot self-pleasure as a girl =D
Leroy Jenkins
Banned for using Leroy Jenkins synonim in their name
cool ill add u **** friend my usernme is DrNecromancer64
Too little water =( Now it wouldnt bne such a bad idea if they add a transport npc ship that sails every 2-5 minutes..
or you can just copy wow classes =D jk I would like necromancer class that would specialise in dark dd magic but not like mage that only has dd type magic also debuffs and maybe drainers could be cool Seal Master: Debuffing class that could have only 1-2 DD spells and mostly concentrating on debuffing/buffing players... by…
I want necromancer class!!11!! =(
Same thing as on any IGG game yea..first 100 players could be cool, or even first 1000 And the cool thing aobut this is that in PW no players will hit level cap at least till 2010 so you can make the ranking system of highest leveled players with no probs =D b:victory b:victory b:victory
Damn it I had the same problem Than Shevanel came and got it cleared out b:laugh b:victory
Srsly what u smoking? And giving multi-ticking charm would just make item mall users overpowered and that me i played tales of pirates -.-
koi lvl za guild?
idk -.- And btw im actualy 15..i just look like 12 yr old on that pic xD
And this is what came out of E3 2009 for PwI However, since then, the Perfect World design team has released two expansions, with a new one planned for release this fall <3 pure awsomness
I was thinking same thing on PWI,autonavigating sucks in PW... it would be cool if in free land you walk straight forward and autoavoiding obstacles..while in cities more complex AutoNavigating system... the character will find the best path from the place where you are to the place u want to go in city range??
l4m3 -.- but I do find this interesting and they say that the new expansion is coming on fall w00t w00t!
dude..where would u put so many houses i mean there are 50000 players + per server ... counting ALL player and alts.. Well I got 3 possible solutions:1. Expand map A LOT A LOT but this wont happen soon I guess but PW said that new expansion is coming on fall 2.Lvl Cap for houses like lvl 70+ only players can create their…
I like the faction dungeons ideas in myth war we had GH (guild headquarters) where u can find tasks that would help guild AND u.. for example u do task: u got 20000g and pack of nanas, and guild would get 1k .. uber idea
- there 10kudos for me btw if ure to dubm to find it it says tha they are developing update/expansion and it should be read for fall
lulz h4x0rzzz -.- n00b But I like the idea xD
We dont need mroe music we need more DINAMIC music.. it drives me insane when im in etherblade all the same music over and over and over again and again and again we definetly need some metal and real battle music not just oriental meditaion -.-
U mean femalo wb and male wf? Ya i agree on that but not on being an transvestite O_O